2010年5月17日 星期一

Report II

Report II

Who do you want to invite?
I want to invite 曾勇夫, 吳清基, 馬英九, the student and student's parents.

Who do you have people sitting next to each other?
First on my right hand is 曾勇夫, because I want to ask him about corporal punishment's question. On my left hand is 吳清基, because I want to ask him about death penalty's question. Next to 曾勇夫 is a student, maybe the student want to ask him about death sentence question. And 馬英九 is next to student's parent's, maybe he want to ask them about birth rate.

What would you like to ask your guests?
I'd like to ask 吳清基, what was no corporal punishment meaning? According to my teach experience, use some corporal punishment 's kids will be good.

I'd like to ask 曾勇夫, crime has been increasing recently, I wonder whether the education has some problem in school, or parents spoiled their child?

2010年5月10日 星期一

My favorite person - Robert Pattinson

Famous person website: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1500155/

Name: Robert Pattinson

Occupation: Actor

Birthday: 13 May 1986

Birthplace: London, England, UK

Interests/ Hobbies: Sport, music

Family Information: His mother, Clare, worked for a modeling agency, and his father, Richard, imported vintage cars from the U.S. Pattinson has two older sisters, one of whom is singer Lizzy Pattinson.

Career History: His film debut was " Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire " in 2004, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix " in 2007, " The Summer House ", " How to Be " " Little Ashes ", " Twilight " in 2008, "New Moon " in 2009, "Remember Me " in 2010, and " The Twilight Saga: Eclipse " in the end of June.

Reson for choosing this person: When you seeing the film of Twinlight, you will like to let him bite.